Sorry, I have been busy with both work and personal life. I figure I briefly write this about work-life balance.

Yesterday, October 20, 2022, numerous companies in Boston, such as Reebok, WeWork, and General Electric are cutting down on company spaces as a result of the post Covid-effects with more people willing to work remotely for the most of the time rather than coming into the office. I think the way we used to work in the past isn’t really the same. Before everyone would come into the office without the fear of getting a virus, but once the unknown came, everything has changed. The majority of people had to work remotely in order to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases.
Today I work as an office assistant in Boston for some law firm and it is not much of me to complain about. Throughout the week, I would see numerous people only come in 1-3 days a week. Some of the reasons are the following from my own knowledge:
Commute times-can be as long as 1-2 hours each way
Problems with Public transportation such as the MBTA
Too many noises-people walking, talking in their office
Sometimes wanting to wake up, eat breakfast at home, and log into their computer
Not having to dress too much (as long it is not exposed)
Not having to confront people (some people have to work with others and some don’t like it!

A furious man driving, as seen from behind the wheel. Source:
When people come to work it would be due to the following:
Seeing each other again
Not working in a room being alone for the most of the day
Avoid the noise at our home
Avoid dealing with family responsibility (I understand, kids can be a pain sometimes!)
Dressing our Sunday best (my favorite thing to do when coming to work)
I think having both of these perks is amazing. When working from home people don’t have to get into the hassle of driving, not having to deal with the noise when we can be more focused on work and can have a better balance with work and life.
However we have to deal with kid problems when they have to do remote learning from school due to certain circumstances or in general deal with their bad behavior that can disrupt our workday. Sometimes, dealing with them can get the best of us and it is better for us to work in the offices sometimes.
Sometimes it is good for us to come into work on certain occasions such as being engaged in in-person meetings and just seeing each other's friendly faces again from being bored from working at home.
But just like working at home, working in the office can also cause a lot of problems if we talk too much and not focus on work in addition to the painfully obvious commutes when commuters commuting to work has to endure countless problems such as getting stuck in a slowdown on a highway, mechanical or signal problems on a train.
I think it is best for all of us to have a good work-life balance, being able to work and see family, friends, and co-workers in a mindful manner so we don’t drive our minds crazy. We only have one life and we need to make the most of it.