Well, the day way June 21 and it was the best day to be out late in the afternoon. Why? Because yesterday was the longest day of the year known as Summer Solstice. It was quite a shame it wasn't that warm at this time of the year, but the weather was like really nice. When I was leaving work I was considering going out to drink with myself and meet new people in Boston. But from my own point of view, most people on a Wednesday/Hump day would not be able to go out and drink since, the majority of us with the jobs we have on a weekday basis would require us to go to bed early each night (for me this is something I am trying to).
One Summer Solstice day towards the end of the work day, I was thinking about the things I would be able to do on in the late afternoon/early evening such as going to an outdoor brewery or just going on a nice stroll in the seaport section of Boston (I live around the city).
In the last hour of work, I was thinking about going to an outdoor brewery such as Cisco or Trillium on the Greenway or Fenway Park. Then all of a sudden, I had some doubts about concerns it was so warm enough outside for myself to drink so much beer that I would wake up hungover early in the morning and not be able to focus on work.
"I don't want to wake up hungover and not perform to the best of my abilities!" I said to myself. On top of that, I dealt with some crappy people in which it was almost like just an ordinary day at work in which they felt like crap and only came here for the money, not to do their damn job.
I only realized towards the end of the workday people who work in the city like me have to work tomorrow and going out tomorrow night to an outdoor beer garden might be a better option and decided to dash for the Train Station to catch the train home and try to figure out what I should do near my home since it was cold (not like last year, since it was much warmer than that), and the fact I could get a perfect sunset shot before I go home and go to bed.
While I was eating dinner, I thought of the Merrimack River to go out there, walk and try to get some good shots taking some sunset photos of the longest day of the year. So I drove up to Lowell, MA to get some good shots of the Merrimack River. I took some shots of some sunset shots of the Merrimack River with some stunning shots of the sky about to turn from light blue to pitch black.

I gotta say I sometimes, gotta love walking around the river parks around the Merrimack River in Lowell. The pictures I think came our marvelous. While I was taking pictures of the amazing sunset, I walked on the left side of the Rourke Bridge in Lowell and got some amazing shots of the river west of the Rourke Street Bridge. Sometimes, I wish the earth's axis was completely straight or stayed like that so I could've done it like on the weekend. Don't we all wish all of the days could be the same? I definitely do sometimes do wish so, especially on rainy days like this.
A week later, I woke up this morning thinking that the rain will come later in the afternoon or overnight as usual but was surprised to get the rain in the morning, what was even more surprising is that it rained both at the beginning and at the end of the day. Today, I feel like I was thinking of more sunnier days, and more weekend days I can spend some quality time with my family and friends on scenic adventures, relax and unwind by any body of water or just go out and meet up with people drinking at a local beer brewery outdoors or on the patio!
Those days will come soon, I promise. Just have to think positive.