Photo Credit: The Boston Globe https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/02/22/metro/readers-respond-orange-line-trains-separation-truck-i-495/?p1=Article_Inline_Related_Link
In 2023, MBTA orange line is an absolute nightmare, but what makes it more funny is that there is a derailment on an Orange Line Car heading into Medford via I-495 and somehow the car apparently got derailed!
Earlier this week, a new Orange Line car that was on it’s way to the Wellington Yard in Medford when apparently the delivery truck company CRRC hired to delivered those cars (believe it or not) derailed or should I say came off the trailer of a truck.
I didn’t believe it at first when I first heard about it I thought this was legit “fake news” as Donald Trump would say since there is no such thing that would possibly happen, but when I heard there is a standstill on I-495 later in the afternoon, I have never laughed so hard throughout, most of the late afternoon as I felt I was going to laugh all the way home on the Orange Line newest, crappiest trains the CRRC trains which are just as bad the old orange line trains as I was complaining about it earlier this year, mainly due to the low frequency they have ran for a while now since the Federal investigation that took place around a year ago because of so many dispatchers working long hours.
At this point, maybe the T should reconsider thinking of nixing the contract and try to buy new Orange Line cars from better vendors such as Kawasaki or Alstom. I hope another client LAMTA does not fall in the same footsteps as the MBTA does.
In my opinion, the CRRC cars are just plain junk and the company is just plain junk because of how much money they are using not only to construct the cars, but also ironically choosing a shitty company to deliver them.